You are not a Human Resource?!

In a section devoted to ‘Human Resources’ in Charles Handy’s latest book, he argues passionately that people are not ‘resources’. Charles summarises that: ‘work needs to be ORGANIZED; things should be MANAGED; people can only be encouraged, inspired and LED’. He reasons that many organisations avoid the term ‘resources’ wherever possible. This is because ‘it implies something that is controlled by others; a thing to be used and deployed as others see fit’. His latest book can be sourced here. Charles has been actively involved with Caplor Horizons over the years, for example regarding a booklet which you can see by clicking here. Charles has suffered from a stroke. Various people have asked after him. We have seen him from time to time and will next visit in early Sept. He is thankfully making a good recovery.

Renewal of website. Our website has been completely recreated thanks to the tremendous artistry and dedication of Rosie; also to the wizardry of Deven (Thakkar) in his ongoing technical back up. We hope you will like the new website:

A new film. Please click on the attached to watch a short film (less than two mins) about ‘CEDAR’ an outstanding NGO that we are collaborating with in Tamil Nadu, India. Congratulations to Gareth (Jones), who did the filming, and Simon (Oldroyd) for the great partnership in generating this. For more of our films visit our website here.

As part of our ongoing collaboration with Edmund Rice, we have been fortunate to have Fiona (Dowling) and Dean (McGlaughlin) visit this week and particular thanks to Sharon (Turnbull), Peter (Moore) and Simon (Oldroyd) who contributed so proactively during various sessions.